
Tuesday Dec 13, 2022
What FOUR near death experiences teach you about life
Tuesday Dec 13, 2022
Tuesday Dec 13, 2022
Popular podcast host Jay Fantom shares his heartfelt and hopeful account of overcoming the seemingly impossible – multiple near-death experiences, abuse of all kinds, depression, anxiety, addictions and an eating disorder in his new book, The Path of an Eagle: How to Overcome and Lead After Being Knocked Down. Fantom shares how he embraced the past with truth, courage, and sincerity to help readers find the answers to what it really takes to overcome and lead a fulfilled and meaningful life after being knocked down.
The path of an eagle bookJay on instagram
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My favorite booze-free cocktails Curious Elixirs

Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
Broken Crayons Still Color
Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
God’s light collided with Collier in her darkest night and deepest pain, and He showed her that broken crayons still color—especially in the hands of the Master Artist. In her new book, Brave Enough to Be Broken: How to Embrace Your Pain and Discover Hope and Healing, she shares practical steps, personal experiences and biblical wisdom to help women process their brokenness.
Links we talk about in this episode
Love Sex and DatingInternal Family Systems
Toni's New book, "Brave Enough to be Broken"
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My favorite booze-free cocktails Curious Elixirs

Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
The Why behind the Wait
Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
Nearly all of my most popular social media videos are about the WHY behind the wait. I get the most feedback, DM's, and shares of people wanting to have more conversations about what it looks like to wait for sex for marriage, and HOW to make that possible. It's not purity culture but it's not hookup culture either. It is God's design for sex no matter your past or present. It's the messy middle and I think we need more conversations here so I recorded a podcast on it! Here are the links I mention in the episode:
Make a Dating Plan
Book recommendations:
Sex, Jesus, and the conversation the Church forgot
The mingling of souls
Past Podcasts conversations on this subject:
Interview with the relationship doctor
Interview with Mo Isom author of Sex, Jesus and the Conversation the church forgot
Miss Texas and MLB player wait for marriage and tell their story
Interview with a PhD of sexual wellness
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Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
Being scared to death but jumping forward anyway
Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
Ryan George, author of Scared to Life: Tales of a Good God Who Reveals His Heart When ours is Racing. Ryan George visited all seven continents and both polar circles, searching for meaning and acceptance, contentment and recognition. As he ran from pain, regret, and insecurity, he chased diverse adrenaline rushes and social media affirmation. What he actually found was a God with new definitions for words like life, success, and adventure. Despite decades in the church, his faith became real and alive in contexts far from Sunday services.
Ryan is a master storyteller and whenever someone listening says they would be scared to death [to bungee jump, hike a frozen waterfall, BASE jump] that he is scared to life. Ryan shares sweat-inducing stories of adventure throughout the book and pairs them with lessons of faith he’s learned from following his God-given love of the adrenaline rush.
Ryan's book, scared to life
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My favorite booze-free cocktails Curious Elixirs

Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
Real World Job Offers & Negotiation Secrets
Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
Arlena Jackson has propelled more than 5,000 job seekersforward with actionable, time-proven coaching systems—inspiring breakthrough performances and high-level results.and today she is sharing some of her secrets!
Learn more from Arlena
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Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
How the Enneagram can help in your most important relationships
Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
Certified Enneagram teacher Meredith Boggs gives a biblical guide to understanding how the enneagram can further your spiritual journey and deepen your relationship with everyone you are in relationship with by discovering your type's virtues, unhelpful tendencies, and best practices for spiritual growth.
Links we mention in this episode
Bird by Bird
The journey home, a Biblical Guide to the Enneagram
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Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
Praying for your husband (whether you know him or not)
Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
Ayana is speaking some truth bombs on the internet so, of course, I had to get her on the podcast.
She is unpacking her most viral videos like
Praying for your husband
God protecting his daughters
Virginity or Celebicy why you shouldn't be ashamed
This is a short but important conversation. I hope you enjoy!
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Tuesday Oct 25, 2022
Healthy Connections what are they and how do you know when you found one?
Tuesday Oct 25, 2022
Tuesday Oct 25, 2022
Karen Hardwick, Atlanta-based psychotherapist and leadership consultant who has coached leaders at top companies including ESPN, UPS, and Turner Broadcasting to be better leaders at both work and home through the superpower of connection. The first step to connecting with others in sustainable, healthy ways is to first connect deeply with yourself and with God. Karen’s new book, The Connected Leader, gives readers the tools they need to become their true selves as leaders.
Favorite quote from the episode:
"We are If we don't believe in ourselves enough to find healthy connections we will settle for unhealthy ones."
Belovedness by Sarah Kroger
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Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
Why do bad things happen to good people?
Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
My husband and I recently hosted a zoom call called "Bring all your faith questions" and not surprisingly the question of, "Why do bad things happen to good people?" was the theme of the conversation.
There are books upon books unpacking this subject but here are my bullet points
It's not supposed to be this way. We were created to live forever in a garden utopia walking with God, but sin entered the world and so did death, disease, hurricanes, and suffering.
It's a flawed question because bad things in my life I cried about ended up being very good and who is to decide who is a good or bad person?
This is not our home, nature is beautiful even more than it is functional reminding us there is another garden of perfection on the other side of eternity.
SO MUCH MORE to unpack. This is why we are talking about it this week on the Truth for your Twenties podcast.
Links we mention on the episode
Case for Christ
A surrendered Yes
100 days to brave
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Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
Using psychology to help you reverse engineer your life
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
She has over 1M collective followers online, she is a digital strategist, an entrepreneur and a psychology guru who uses them all to help 20-somethings live their best life. Bonus: Make sure you stick around to the end when she answers what she would tell her younger self possibly better than any other guest.
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What is the Truth for your Twenties Podcast?
After I couldn't cry anymore a friend invited me to a Bible study (weeks ago I wouldn't be caught dead at a Bible study) but there I heard the woman at the well story found in John 4. It's the longest recorded conversation with Jesus and he was talking to a heartbroken girl….just like me.
- Mom to two girls, wife to one man
- Former advertising specialist in TV, Print, and Radio
- Yoga Instructor
- ADPI alumna
- TikTok Creator
- Author
- Host of the "Truth for your Twenties" Podcast
- Speaker to over 60 colleges/universities nationwide
- Featured on Good Morning America...ok fine I was just in the audience, but I want to make sure you are reading this.
- Mentor, Big sis, and best friend
This Podcast is designed to bring you the topics and experts on all the stuff you didn't know how bad you needed in your 20's