
Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
Let‘s talk about hookup culture
Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
In this episode, my new BFF from TikTok and I talk all about hookup culture, the WHY, and how you are never too far gone to walk away and find restoration.
Spoiler: Definitely a PG 16 or so kinda conversation.
I love how Julia unpacks this conversation with so much grace and truth. Stay in touch with Julia on
or her website
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And TikTok

Tuesday Sep 14, 2021
Bury your ordinary
Tuesday Sep 14, 2021
Tuesday Sep 14, 2021
He started a church on the doorstep of Yale University that has grown to multi-sites in the most unchurched area of the United States.
In his new book, Bury your Ordinary Justin Kendrick tackles 7-spiritual habits, that will push you outside your comfort zone and lead you to intentional, exponential spiritual growth. The habits aren’t meant to be another ‘to-do list’ but are a guide to developing a lifestyle that leads you to grow spiritually every day.
Bury your ordinary Book
Justin on Instagram
Listen to vox church online
Make sure you join the Truth for your Twenties facebook group
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Tuesday Sep 07, 2021
17 things I‘ve learned in 17 years of marriage
Tuesday Sep 07, 2021
Tuesday Sep 07, 2021
We just celebrated our 17th wedding anniversary. With that in mind, I recorded 17things I've learned in 17 years of marriage.
Spoiler, have you ever asked yourself why you want to get married? Hmmmm. I'll help you unpack your why and also provide 17 through-provoking truths I've learned along the way.
This episode is part of Katie's new course from Heartbreak to Happily Ever After. Use promo code Truth to save 10%!
The book Cherish, Katie mentions
Make sure you join the Truth for your Twenties facebook group
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Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
The Brett Boyer Story
Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
You may have heard of her famous uncle, Luke Bryan but have you heard of the late 8-month-old who is changing the world for Congenital heart Disease and Downs Syndrome?
I am so thrilled to introduce to you my friend, Ellen Boyer, mom to three and founder of the Brett Boyer Foundation. This episode will inspire your socks off.
Follow Bright for Brett on Instagram
Join the Bike for Brett
Join from Heartbreak to Happily Ever After. Use promo code Truth to save 10%!
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Tuesday Aug 24, 2021
Cultivating Community and finding your people
Tuesday Aug 24, 2021
Tuesday Aug 24, 2021
Author of “The living Table” Abby Turner talks about the importance of sharing a meal and How to open up your table to others perfectly imperfect. From a girl who moved around a lot and wanting to make the most of her single years, Abby has beautifully developed the gift of hospitality. You can find Abby opening her home to have regular dinner parties, Sunday night Supper club live on Instagram, and a drool-worthy cookbook all while creating community ON PURPOSELInk to Abby’s Book, The Living TableFollow Abby on Instagram
Join from Heartbreak to Happily Ever After. Use promo code Truth to save 10%!
Make sure you join the Truth for your Twenties facebook group
Follow Kaite on Instagram
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Tuesday Aug 17, 2021
Practical tips on moving away from home/living on your own
Tuesday Aug 17, 2021
Tuesday Aug 17, 2021
Katie goes over some practical tips like not killing your house plant, some simple and healthy recipes, and what a 401K actually means.
Katie references the following two episodes for more conversation.
Congratulations you graduated,now what
Tips in loving difficult people episode
Make sure you join the Truth for your Twenties facebook group
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Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
Wellness > A number on a scale
Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
We walk through a mindfulness breath exercise, talk about how Yoga and Christianity can be intertwined, and the generational effects of being unhealthy on this chat with Denika Spadafora. Denika is a yoga instructor, fitness guru, and mindset coach leading retreats helping women to see a holistic view of health.
My takeaway was, "You are so much more than a number on a scale!"
Istandunshaken on instagramTake control of your wellness with Denikas membership program

Tuesday Aug 03, 2021
What you never knew about your period
Tuesday Aug 03, 2021
Tuesday Aug 03, 2021
Did you know there are actually 4 phases to your period? Did you know understanding your cycle can increase your productivity?
Menstrual Health Practitioner Berrion Berry and I talk about all things flo. This episode is a game-changer.
Katie Mentions Moon balance Powder to help regulate your period
Follow Berrion on Instagram
Berrion's Programs Nourish your flow and Optimize your flow can be found here
Fertility tracker she recommends
Join from Heartbreak to Happily Ever After. Use promo code Truth to save 10%!
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Thursday Jul 08, 2021
Top 5 of all time celebrating our podcast's 2 yr birthday!
Thursday Jul 08, 2021
Thursday Jul 08, 2021
Today this podcast baby turns TWO! To celebrate I'm sharing the top 5 most downloaded episodes from the beginning until now!
Katie also announced her new course Heartbreak to Happily Ever After
For more listening Here are the episodes we mention:5. Episode 47 Interview with a Doctor of Sexual Wellness4. Episode 29 Former Miss Texas and MLB player talk about waiting for each other3. Episode 70 How to know if you are relationship Ready 2. Episode 56 How to love after you have been Hurt1. Episode 55 Hollywood Marketing Sex and YOU
Make sure you join the Truth for your Twenties facebook group
Follow Kaite on Instagram
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Tuesday May 25, 2021
Answering your questions from TikTok and Instagram
Tuesday May 25, 2021
Tuesday May 25, 2021
You asked, How to talk to a friend in a toxic relationship, God's design for sex, How do you know if you found the one, Finding your voice and so much more!
These Q&A episodes are always a top download. I hope you love this one too!
Make sure you join the Truth for your Twenties facebook group
Follow Kaite on Instagram
And TikTok

What is the Truth for your Twenties Podcast?
After I couldn't cry anymore a friend invited me to a Bible study (weeks ago I wouldn't be caught dead at a Bible study) but there I heard the woman at the well story found in John 4. It's the longest recorded conversation with Jesus and he was talking to a heartbroken girl….just like me.
- Mom to two girls, wife to one man
- Former advertising specialist in TV, Print, and Radio
- Yoga Instructor
- ADPI alumna
- TikTok Creator
- Author
- Host of the "Truth for your Twenties" Podcast
- Speaker to over 60 colleges/universities nationwide
- Featured on Good Morning America...ok fine I was just in the audience, but I want to make sure you are reading this.
- Mentor, Big sis, and best friend
This Podcast is designed to bring you the topics and experts on all the stuff you didn't know how bad you needed in your 20's