
Tuesday May 03, 2022
What is healthy confidence and how do you get it?
Tuesday May 03, 2022
Tuesday May 03, 2022
When I found 22 yr old Kinsley Newbrough on Instagram I knew I had to have her on the podcast. Her life mission is to help young women find healthy confidence and we unpacked everything that surrounds this topic on today's episode.
The TikTok video we reference about bullying
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Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
The most common topics I hear on mentoring calls
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
Through my link on social media, I offer one on one calls. Typcially the girls who book are in their 20's and book a call to have an unbiased 3rd party give insight into a dating relationship. I have noticed several similar questions come up more than once so I wanted to unpack them on a podcast episode. I hope this is helpful to you too!
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Curious Elixers Use promo code Katie22 for $10 off $50 or more
Better Decisions Fewer Regrets
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Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
How to Rewire your brain (for the better)
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
Adele Spraggon is an award-winning author, a thought leader, and aninternational speaker and trainer. She has been awarded the 2020, Womanof Inspiration Award, and in 2021, she was recognized as the TopBehavioral Expert of the Year. Her book Shift: 4 Steps to Personal.
In this episode, she shares that behaviors are just the top of the iceberg but the pathways are what is underneath. When you understand you can change your pathways, you can change anything.
Shop Katie's store Use promo code truth to save 10%
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Tuesday Apr 05, 2022
A new position on sex
Tuesday Apr 05, 2022
Tuesday Apr 05, 2022
PG-14 (ish) conversation!
Joanna Hyatt noticed both culture and the church, were having incorrect and unhelpful conversations on sex. She approaches the subject scientifically, biblically, with wisdom and tons of ah-ha moments.
What my 21-year-old intern said about this episode, "I think the church can be so afraid to talk about sex they don't talk about it at all, then young people don't get the guidance they need, This podcast is closing that gap!"
If you have never listened to one of my podcasts make sure it's this one!
Get her ebook at www.joannahyatt.com
Links mentioned in today's episode:
Katie's Mastermind group closes April 10Curious Elixer Booze-free cocktails. Save $10 with promo code Katie22
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Tuesday Mar 29, 2022
I guess I haven’t learned that yet with Shauna Niequist
Tuesday Mar 29, 2022
Tuesday Mar 29, 2022
If you have recently had any kind of big change in your life this episode is for you. Shauna Niequist is a NYTimes best-selling author, wife, mom and midwesterner living in Manhattan. Her new book, "I guess I haven't learned that yet" is a journey of both unlearning what is no longer helpful, embracing curiosity, and accepting the unknowns of life.
Links mentioned in today's episode:
Katie's Mastermind group closes April 10Curious Elixer Booze-free cocktails. Save $10 with promo code Katie22
Follow Katie on TikTokFollow on InstagramJoin our truth for your twenties FB group

Tuesday Mar 22, 2022
How to get over a breakup
Tuesday Mar 22, 2022
Tuesday Mar 22, 2022
Someone recently asked me, "Do you have a podcast episode on how to get over a break-up?.... I do now! This is a solo episode where I share my beef with modern dating and end with challenging you to know what you do for fun.
This episode is also the debut of our new jingle from Kohlie Browning!
Curious Elixers Booze free cocktailUse promo code Katie22
Dating Plan quiz
Katie's Mastermind Group that starts April 10
Walk in love Podcast Follow Katie on TikTok
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Tuesday Mar 15, 2022
Would Jesus go to a frat party?
Tuesday Mar 15, 2022
Tuesday Mar 15, 2022
23 yr old college grad Jorja Gust talks about what it was like to be a (real) Christain in a sorority, Would Jesus go to a frat party? How and why she decided to write a book!
More info on Jorja and link to her book here:
Besties with Jesus
And announcing the new Mastermind group Katie is starting and yes, Jorja from this episode will be there! WOO HOO. This group is normally $99 this link let's you get in for $75
Discounted link on the Mastermind group with Katie And Jorja!
More info on the Mastermind group
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Truth for your Twenties Swag
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Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
If something bad can happen... that also means something wonderful can happen.
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
Nicole Zasowski is a licensed marriage and family therapist, writer, and speaker. Asking the questions if something bad can happen, then doesn't that also mean something wonderful can happen too?
With the vulnerability of your closest friend and the wisdom of your most trusted resource, Nicole reveals her own story of how challenges such as unwanted transition, multiple miscarriages, and crippling anxiety gave her empty hands to receive everything she had been looking for.
Nicole's Website
Nicole on Instagram
Katie' speaking info
I don't date dirtbags tote
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Tuesday Mar 01, 2022
Making friendships in your 20’s (and beyond)
Tuesday Mar 01, 2022
Tuesday Mar 01, 2022
They were on Good Morning America the day before this interview WHAT!
Jess and Amy are the authors of the new book, I’ll Be There (But I’ll Be Wearing Sweatpants), passionate about helping women have real conversations about friendship. After meeting in an online writers group three years ago, they quickly became long-distance friends and when they didn’t see anyone talking about the reality of making and having good friends, they founded the online community Sister I Am With You. After a month the Facebook page had over 100,000 followers and today millions of women visit each month.
Audio Book sample:Amy on InstagramJess on Instagram
Katie' speaking info
I don't date dirtbags tote
Follow Katie on Instagram and Tiktok

Tuesday Feb 22, 2022
What she learned about Easter from backpacking around the world
Tuesday Feb 22, 2022
Tuesday Feb 22, 2022
Bestselling author Tsh Oxenreider didn’t observe Lent for most of her adult life until she began to dip her toes into a more liturgical approach to the Christian life. Now, she genuinely looks forward to it every year and says she feels the need for Lent in her bones.
In this interview, we hear about how Tsh and her family backpacked around the world, gained a worldly view of Christianity, and how and why she wrote this new devotion.
Link to Tsh's new Book Bitter and Sweet
Tsh on Instagram
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Truth for your Twenties Swag
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What is the Truth for your Twenties Podcast?
After I couldn't cry anymore a friend invited me to a Bible study (weeks ago I wouldn't be caught dead at a Bible study) but there I heard the woman at the well story found in John 4. It's the longest recorded conversation with Jesus and he was talking to a heartbroken girl….just like me.
- Mom to two girls, wife to one man
- Former advertising specialist in TV, Print, and Radio
- Yoga Instructor
- ADPI alumna
- TikTok Creator
- Author
- Host of the "Truth for your Twenties" Podcast
- Speaker to over 60 colleges/universities nationwide
- Featured on Good Morning America...ok fine I was just in the audience, but I want to make sure you are reading this.
- Mentor, Big sis, and best friend
This Podcast is designed to bring you the topics and experts on all the stuff you didn't know how bad you needed in your 20's